Thursday, March 30, 2017

Automapper in action

Automapper is an object to object mapper which helps to eliminate yak shaving. It can save you from the tedious task of creating custom code to convert data-store object models to your view model.

I put together a demo because I believe it when I see it in action.

Here's a working LinqPad version here:

Or see the code online here...

Nuget package to install: AutoMapper
using Automapper //import namespace
void Main()
 //This converts a normalized contact object (cn) into a denormalized one (cd)
 var cn = new ContactNormalized
  FirstName = "Billy",
  LastName = "Bob",
  Hobby = "Jogging",
  Address = new Address { Line1 = "21 Elm Streer", Line2 = "C/O Mr. Giggles" }

 Mapper.Initialize(cfg => cfg.CreateMap()
   .ForMember(to => to.FullName, opt => opt.ResolveUsing(from=> "Mr. " +  from.FirstName + " " + from.LastName )) 

 ContactDenormalized cd = Mapper.Map(cn);

class ContactNormalized
 public string FirstName { get; set;}
 public string LastName { get; set;}
 public string Hobby { get; set; }
 public Address Address { get; set;}

class Address
 public string Line1 { get; set;}
 public string Line2 { get; set;}
 public string City { get; set;}
 public string State { get; set;}
 public string Zip { get; set;}

class ContactDenormalized
 public string FullName { get; set; }
 public string AddressLine1 { get; set; }
 public string AddressLine2 { get; set;}
 public string Hobby { get; set; }

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